So I've not updated this blog ina few weeks but that doesn't mean I'm not still working on my armies. Stress... ARMIES.
Well, that's my table. Yes, it is a mess. But it shows the assortment of stuff I'm working on. That Trygon still needs painting and in the foreground you can see the Tyranid Carnifex I've just assembled. I know everyone says the Carnifex is rubbish in 5th edition but it doesn't feel like I have a Tyranid army until I have a Carnifex. I've given him Scything Talons and Crushing Claws for looks, might just proxy those as two sets of Scything Talons or even use it as a Tervigon, I'll see. Great looking model anyway.
Next, well above we have a couple of (badly photographed) Nobz on Warbikes, both with Power Klaws, and a regular Nob. My painting is certainly improving. Learning how to use the washes has really improved the look of my models. And the other thing... patience. Take your time. Heck, I still have a Tyranid and Ork Batleforce to assemble!
And below are another couple of Warbikers I'm working on. On the left we have a Painboy and on the right a Warboss. Yep, a Warboss on Warbike, how awesome is that?! Okay, it's just an Assault on Black Reach Warboss I've plonked on the bike, but hey, it works. I gave up on the idea of re-positioning his arm to hold the handlebars. Handlebars? Ha! He's an awesome Ork Warboss, he doesn't need to hold the handlebars. Next you'll be telling my the Boyz in Trukks wear seat belts. And I can't imagine the Health & Safety report on a Killa Kan.
And finally I'm continuing with my terrain making. Seriously, I am this time. I've even bought the Manufactorum kit. I'm just deciding if I want to Ork it up as an Ork Mek shop. That would be cool. But I want to be able to use it in non-Ork games too.
So as you can see I have been busy in my Wargaming. I've been playing too. We had a 2000pt Orks ve Imperial Guard game a couple of weeks ago but didn't get chanceto finish it. Then last week we played a five player game of Orks & Necrons vs Space Marines & Space wolves (me) vs Tau. Each player had 500pts with the Tau attacking anyone 'for the greater good.'
The Space Marines and Space Wolves got ripped apart. Not really sure how, but they did. So I'll leave you with this image of a Necron commandeering an Ork Trukk. These things happen.
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