So how was 2011 for you? Pretty mixed one for me really.
At least it was pretty decent on a gaming front with starting my Tyranid army and the new Necrons which I am currently building. And I got to visit Warhammer World for the first time. for any Games Workshop fan I cannot recommend it more! We played on the Fortress of Redemption table, a 2000pt Ork vs Space Marine game which was a lot of fun. I've really go the hand of playing Ork Nobz, they're certainly my star units now.
So what about my modelling then?
I've painted up my Carnifex and Venomthrope.
As you can see I've kept to the Hive Fleet Behemoth colours and stuck with my usual method of painting them - undercoat, mechrite red, chaos black carapace, gore red body, devlan mud wash, baal red wash, highlight carapace with blue base & ice blue then finish off detail with goblin green and bone white.
I couldn't get by without some more Orks though, my main 40K army. Adn what better than some more Warbikers, a Painboy Warbiker and a Warboss on WarChoppa!
But the year is nearly over. Although we do have one more gaming night before then our big game was at our Xmas All Day Game where my Orks teamed up with Space Marines to have a go at those bloody Tau with their 'greater good' nonsense.
We played a 3000pt game of Cities of Death. Great fun, although we did only get to play out two turns. To prepare I made sure I had some extra terrain ready such as the following Manufactorum.
Well that's certainly all I'm going to have time for this year. Hope you had a better year than me and I hope 2012 brings you much gaming happiness.
Happy New Year, GarDakka.
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