Thursday, 15 September 2011

Trygon & Terrain

So, after a few days off I've got back to my armies.  But as usual I get easily bored with one army and move to another one. 

So what have I been up to?  Tyranids, Orks & some terrain.

Well I posted a picture of my assembled Trygon in my last post.  Since then I've undercoated, painted the body in Mechrite Red & Gore Red, applied some Devlan Mud and Baal Red washes and then painted the carapace in Chaos Black ready for detailing.

Tyranid scenery
Now I'll be honest, I don't have a clue what this was meant to be, but it looks like some kind of alien blob so I figured it would make cool Tyranid scenery.  It's made just from some expanding foam being squirted onto an old CD.  Add some paint & highlight.  What I have is a very cheap and expendable bit of scenery.

Mycetic Spore Pod
You may have seen the pod from my earlier blog made from a kids toy.  This time I'm making one more from scratch.  I only started today. 
Yes, interesting isn't it?!  I cut the top off a squash (cordial) bottle, cutting off the cap bit too.  I then cut some slits into it formthe top and bent over the plastic.  To help with bending the plastic I melted the plastic using a gas stove lighter (I did this over the sink so I could drop it into water should it set on fire).  I then added fomr greenstuff, standard Milliput, to cover holes around the base and to make a few tentacles.  I've put plenty of glue over it too, I'm hoping that will harden into blotches that will give an organic look to it when painted.  The glue is still drying.

Ork Hut
As I said, I get bored easily so had to go back and do something for my Orks.  I'm making some Mexican Nobs with some Ork heads bought off eBay and with poncho's made from greenstuff, but more of those later. 

What I have here is a simple ruin that is going to be a bit orkified.  Base is a cardboard tissue box.  I've used some fancy imbossed pasticard on the floor and the walls have had bits of card, plasticcard, lolipop sticks and corrugated card glued on.  It's still a fair way from completion though.

Happy gaming.  Dakka Dakka!!!

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