Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Goodbye 2011

So how was 2011 for you?  Pretty mixed one for me really.

At least it was pretty decent on a gaming front with starting my Tyranid army and the new Necrons which I am currently building.  And I got to visit Warhammer World for the first time.  for any Games Workshop fan I cannot recommend it more!  We played on the Fortress of Redemption table, a 2000pt Ork vs Space Marine game which was a lot of fun.  I've really go the hand of playing Ork Nobz, they're certainly my star units now.

So what about my modelling then?

I've painted up my Carnifex and Venomthrope.

As you can see I've kept to the Hive Fleet Behemoth colours and stuck with my usual method of painting them - undercoat, mechrite red, chaos black carapace, gore red body, devlan mud wash, baal red wash, highlight carapace with blue base & ice blue then finish off detail with goblin green and bone white.

I couldn't get by without some more Orks though, my main 40K army.  Adn what better than some more Warbikers, a Painboy Warbiker and a Warboss on WarChoppa!

But the year is nearly over.  Although we do have one more gaming night before then our big game was at our Xmas All Day Game where my Orks teamed up with Space Marines to have a go at those bloody Tau with their 'greater good' nonsense.  

We played a 3000pt game of Cities of Death.  Great fun, although we did only get to play out two turns.  To prepare I made sure I had some extra terrain ready such as the following Manufactorum.

Well that's certainly all I'm going to have time for this year.  Hope you had a better year than me and I hope 2012 brings you much gaming happiness.

Happy New Year, GarDakka.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

More WAAAGH and Nom Nom Nom

So I've not updated this blog ina  few weeks but that doesn't mean I'm not still working on my armies.  Stress... ARMIES.

Well, that's my table.  Yes, it is a mess.  But it shows the assortment of stuff I'm working on.  That Trygon still needs painting and in the foreground you can see the Tyranid Carnifex I've just assembled.  I know everyone says the Carnifex is rubbish in 5th edition but it doesn't feel like I have a Tyranid army until I have a Carnifex.  I've given him Scything Talons and Crushing Claws for looks, might just proxy those as two sets of Scything Talons or even use it as a Tervigon, I'll see.  Great looking model anyway.

Next, well above we have a couple of (badly photographed) Nobz on Warbikes, both with Power Klaws, and a regular Nob.  My painting is certainly improving.  Learning how to use the washes has really improved the look of my models.  And the other thing... patience.  Take your time.  Heck, I still have a Tyranid and Ork Batleforce to assemble!

And below are another couple of Warbikers I'm working on.  On the left we have a Painboy and on the right a Warboss.  Yep, a Warboss on Warbike, how awesome is that?!  Okay, it's just an Assault on Black Reach Warboss I've plonked on the bike, but hey, it works.  I gave up on the idea of re-positioning his arm to hold the handlebars.  Handlebars?  Ha!  He's an awesome Ork Warboss, he doesn't need to hold the handlebars.  Next you'll be telling my the Boyz in Trukks wear seat belts.  And I can't imagine the Health & Safety report on a Killa Kan.

And finally I'm continuing with my terrain making.  Seriously, I am this time.  I've even bought the Manufactorum kit.  I'm just deciding if I want to Ork it up as an Ork Mek shop.  That would be cool.  But I want to be able to use it in non-Ork games too.

So as you can see I have been busy in my Wargaming.  I've been playing too.  We had a 2000pt Orks ve Imperial Guard game a couple of weeks ago but didn't get chanceto finish it.  Then last week we played a five player game of Orks & Necrons vs Space Marines & Space wolves (me) vs Tau.  Each player had 500pts with the Tau attacking anyone 'for the greater good.'

  The Space Marines and Space Wolves got ripped apart.  Not really sure how, but they did.  So I'll leave you with this image of a Necron commandeering an Ork Trukk.  These things happen.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Trygon & Terrain

So, after a few days off I've got back to my armies.  But as usual I get easily bored with one army and move to another one. 

So what have I been up to?  Tyranids, Orks & some terrain.

Well I posted a picture of my assembled Trygon in my last post.  Since then I've undercoated, painted the body in Mechrite Red & Gore Red, applied some Devlan Mud and Baal Red washes and then painted the carapace in Chaos Black ready for detailing.

Tyranid scenery
Now I'll be honest, I don't have a clue what this was meant to be, but it looks like some kind of alien blob so I figured it would make cool Tyranid scenery.  It's made just from some expanding foam being squirted onto an old CD.  Add some paint & highlight.  What I have is a very cheap and expendable bit of scenery.

Mycetic Spore Pod
You may have seen the pod from my earlier blog made from a kids toy.  This time I'm making one more from scratch.  I only started today. 
Yes, interesting isn't it?!  I cut the top off a squash (cordial) bottle, cutting off the cap bit too.  I then cut some slits into it formthe top and bent over the plastic.  To help with bending the plastic I melted the plastic using a gas stove lighter (I did this over the sink so I could drop it into water should it set on fire).  I then added fomr greenstuff, standard Milliput, to cover holes around the base and to make a few tentacles.  I've put plenty of glue over it too, I'm hoping that will harden into blotches that will give an organic look to it when painted.  The glue is still drying.

Ork Hut
As I said, I get bored easily so had to go back and do something for my Orks.  I'm making some Mexican Nobs with some Ork heads bought off eBay and with poncho's made from greenstuff, but more of those later. 

What I have here is a simple ruin that is going to be a bit orkified.  Base is a cardboard tissue box.  I've used some fancy imbossed pasticard on the floor and the walls have had bits of card, plasticcard, lolipop sticks and corrugated card glued on.  It's still a fair way from completion though.

Happy gaming.  Dakka Dakka!!!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Warhammer 40K vs Star Wars Minis

I play both 40K and Star Wars minis.  I enjoy both games.  Had I been asked a couple of years ago what was my favourite game of all time I would have chosen Star Wars minis.  But now I play Warhammer 40K and the decision isn't so clear cut

Type of game?

Star Wars Minis - A small skirmish game.
Warhammer 40K - A small skirmish game (representing a small part of a larger battle)

Standard game?

Star Wars Minis - 200 points.  This normally gives you around 14 figures, a few exceptions like Stormtrooper, Droid or even Ewok squads can have more.

Warhammer 40K - 1500 points.  The different armies have different strategies.  So Space Marines will probably have up to 40 models on the table, often less than that.  I have played with 103 Space Orks on the table and they can have a lot more if the player really wanted.


This is where the games differ, not so much in cost but in the way Players collect them.  With Warhammer there are fourteen armies, most players I know have two or three armies of different sizes.  But Star Wars Minis players tend to collect the whole set, it is a Collectors game.

You can play Star Wars with a single competetive force for probably less than £50.  But if you want to collect all the minis, nearly 800, then that's going to cost a lot of money, probably a £2000+ and then you want extras like multiple Stormtroopers and Battle Droids.

With Wahammer 40K you will need to spend £100-£150 for a solid 1500 point army.  But as you play you'll find you want more unit choices and the cost of an army can go up and up until you start playing Apocalypse games.  So don't rule out spending at least £400 on an army.

Pick up and Play?

Technically yes to both. 

Star Wars Minis - buy a couple of boosters and play.
Warhammer 40K - Buy Assault on Black Reach, click the models together and play.

But with Star Wars you'll spend time tracking down those Rare or Very Rare minis.  With 40K you'll want to buy the better models and spend time assembling them and painting them.  This is where 40K becomes more of a hobby than Star Wars minis.

And THAT is the differene.  That is why I am now liking Warhammer 40K more.  Star Wars Minis may still be going thanks to the fans creating the V-Sets, but making minis for them doesn't interest me.  Weather it's a mini of Han Solo or Bossko B. it's still a mini of an existing character.  Whereas with 40K I'm building up the character from scratch and once painted and assembled I'm then giving him a bit of personality and a role in my army.  It's that creative element of 40K that is winning me over more and more.  And it's Lucasfilm messing with the Star Wars films that is turning me off Star Wars more and more, but that's a rant for another time.


First Game

It was also my mates first time using his Dark Eldar, so it was going to be interesting, and hopefully fun, which it was.

My list;

HQ - Hive Tyrant - Heavy Venom Canon, Regeneration, armour, hive commander
Troop - 22 Termagants - Toxic Sacs
Troop - 8 Genestealers - Sything Talons (arrive via Ambush)
Elite - Doom of Malan'tai in a Mycetic Spore Pod
Fast - 10 Gargoyles (arrive by Deep Strike) - Toxic Sac & Adrenal Glands

My mates list, okay I don't know exactly. He had two Raiders with Wyches & Warriors and Haemonculus. Also a Venom and a Razorwing (I love that model).

Cut to the short version; it was 0-0 after 7 Turns.

Longer version;
We were playing Spearhead Capture & Control (I think - 1 objective each). But really that never came into it.

My Genestealers came on Turn 2 and stunned the Razorwing.

Turn 3 the Doom of Malan'tai arrived but did nothing. Hive Tyrant destroyed the Venom with the Genestealers finishing off the transported troops before being wiped out by the Razorwing. And Haemonculus with his retinue wiped out my Termagants very quickly!

Turn 4 he STILL made his checks against the Doom of Malan'tai before destroying it. My Gargoyles had arrived but too late (Yes, even with Hive Commander they didn't arrive until Turn 4). I tried a VERY risky Deep Strike and made it only for the Razorwing to wipe them out. Dark Eldar Warriors asaulted the Hive Tyrant, then ran off crying when it owned them in close combat. My Mycetic Spore managed to destroy one of the Raiders.

Turns 5, 6 & 7 were all just close combat between my Hive Hyrants and Haemonculus with his Wyches. He managed to cause 3 wounds and I regenerated nothing.

So what do I take from this?
Okay, this was only a 750pt game. But in 1500pts I think I'll need another Synapse creature to move forward while keeping my Hive Tyrant back to shoot. I might get another Hive Tyrant maybe with Talons & Wings. Although I will have a Trygon in 1500pts. I know a lot of people say not to use the Heavy Venom Canon but it was okay this game and that's what I want to use, personal choice.

Termagants need to make better use of cover, but there was no chance in this game and they died in close combat anyway. Not really sure how they beat Dark Eldar there, but should be better against lower Initiative opponents.

Genestealers? They are a bit like Ork Kommando's. They come on, kill a unit, then die. So long as I keep that in mind I wan't be disappointed in them.

Gargoyles? Well I was screwed by my Reserves roll this game. I think I need more, but painting them is time consuming. Maybe don't Deep Strike them next time.

Doom of Malan'tai? My opponent was rolling LOW this game so was making Leadership checks on 3D6 with ease, passed four in a row with LD9. And if the Gargoyles had come in when planned to shield him things may have been different.

Overall I think a draw first time using an army is a fair result for us both. The Hive Tyrant is tough and nasty, I like that. They need the Initiative, I can see that, and most of the time they will have it. I think it would be a close contest against my Orks. And like all horde armies, blast template opponents will rip them apart if I'm not careful.

Tyranid Trygon

So I've started on my Trygon this week.  Assembling was pretty straight forward really.  And yes, I do know that I've used the Mawloc tail, it's still a Trygon.  I just think that tail looks cooler.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

My Tyranids so far

Not a great update other than having finished my first eight Genestealers.

Overall I am enjoying modelling and painting Tyranids and am so far pretty happy with my painting. 

Best tip I can give to anyone new to this hobby is to go watch online tutorials.  When I started I was all'nah, I don't need to do that.'  But seriously, they are wonderful.  Not only have these people gone out of their way to share their knowledge they are also, mostly, awesome painters.  If you can find someone painting up the unit your are currently painting then all the better.  Best places to look, that I have found so far, are YouTube, or Dakka Dakka.

My army so far.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Genestealers & Hive Tyrant progress

So, listening to Dave's Vlog @ Miniwargamers while progressing my own new Tyranid army.

Yep, my Hive Tyrant is coming along monsterously well sticking with that Hive Fleet Behemoth inspired theme; I'll come up with some of my own background later.  As you can see I'm also wanting to keep the bright highlights, simply because I like the look.


Decided to get started on another one of my Troop choices so decided to assemble the box of Genestealers I bought.  It took me a couple of days to decide how I wanted to equip them but have decided I'm going to go with Scything Talons (re-roll Attack rolls of a 1) and I'll choose Toxic Sacs depending upon who I am facing.  My Termagants will certainly be having Toxic Sac though.

The Behemoth colour scheme is slightly more difficult with Genestealers, in my opinion, due to them having less carapace than other Tyranid models.   The model in the picture above have just had the Chaos Black undercoat & Mechrite Red coat.  I'll be applying Gore Red shortly.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Hive Tyrant & Mycetic Spore Pod

Gone through a few basic steps with my Hive Tyrant.  Oh, and as you can see I decided to model him with the Heavy Venom Canon.

So, undercoated black, painted body Mechrite Red, Gore Red and then added Devlan Mud to the recesses.

I've also started to 'make' a Mycetic Spore Pod.
Okay, not make.  I'm simply re-painting one of the toy Plasma Hatcher pods;

Obviously this is just the first coat.

And as a distraction I'll be playing my Necrons this week.  So I made up a few more Warriors.  I'm really liking the two-tone boltgun/bronze colour scheme I've gone with.

That's all for now.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Warhammer 40K - a new army

After watching the video blog from Dave @ miniwargaming I've decided to start my own blog to record my own Warhammer 40K life.  Can't say I'll keep this updated, but I'll try.

I already have a solid Ork army as well as a few Necrons, Space Marines and Space Wolves.  But it's time to start a new army.


Yes, I know, Ork player writing a Tyranid Blog.  I'll come back to the Orks.

So, my Tyranid list is going to start with;

Hive Tyrant

First model is a Finecast Hive Tyrant
I have to say that the Finecast surprised me.  It's easy to work with and glues very easily.

I figured I'd paint up my Termagants first as a sort of paint test.  As you can see I'm going for a Hive Fleet Behemoth look.

My 9 steps to painting Hive Fleet Behemoth;

1. Assemble, glue some gravel to base, undercoat.
2. Base coat the body with Mechrite Red.
3. Paint body with Gore Red, teeth with bone white.
4. Wash recesses with Devlan mud.
5. Wash body with Baal Red.
6. Paint carapace plates with Chaos Black.
7. Feather carapace with a medium blue.
8. Feather carapace with Ice Blue.
9. Finish base with some flock.