Sunday, 15 September 2013

Adgorkus Mechmorkus

Yes, yes, I know it's been a while since I blogged anything and this is going to be a short one too.  This is just a quick showcase for some of my recent models.  Yes, I'm still playing plenty of 40K including a few visits to Warhammer World.

Finally got around to building my Tervigon.  Love this model.


I've built up my Ork Boyz to 150, and with 30 left to assemble I will finally be able to go Green Tide.
Until then here are a few others I've assembled.

Flash Gitz

 These were made with primarily the Ork Nobz box but with the Ork Pirate heads from Spellcrow.

And for fun, a Grot Megatank made from an assortment of bits including an old Rhino, Grot turrets from a Dakkajet and the ram off a Battlewagon.

 And just because....

Space Marines

No, I'm not really a Space Marine player but I have a few so decided to try painting some up.

Howling Griffons Tac Marine

 Blood Angel assault marine

Take care, and have fun.